by A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend | Oct 30, 2020 | General
As voters, are we complicit to a crime if a candidate has become compromised beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet we continue to support his campaign in an effort to secure his ascension to higher office?
Pulitzer Prize winning author David Mamet states in his book, The Secret Knowledge, “In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments, modern liberals have to pretend not to know things.” This election season there could be plenty of reasons why the voters might appear to not know things. For instance, the over the top censorship demonstrated by Twitter, Google and Facebook over the last several weeks.
If this sounds like a conspiracy theory then perhaps a review of the events of October 27th might clarify the issue. During a Senate hearing on that day the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, perjured himself while testifying under oath. He stated that Twitter was now allowing users to access the astounding story in the New York Post outlining the Biden family’s successful efforts to extract millions of dollars from foreign governments in exchange for access to a Vice President who could become a future President.
More than a curious few immediately attempted to verify Mr. Dorsey’s claims, only to discover that Twitter continued to block the New York Post expose’. Is Mr. Dorsey pretending not to know things?
This example leads me to believe that social media platforms are allowing users to see and hear only what they want them to see and hear, and that would be Joe Biden’s statement from the final presidential debate. When asked by his opponent why he had received 3.5 million dollars in a wire transfer from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Joe Biden replied “I have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever in my life.”
After testimony early last week from Tony Bobulinsky, the man hired by the Biden family to manage Biden Inc.’s overseas business ventures, I think I can comprehend the truth in that statement.
Records revealed by Mr. Bobulinsky show the former vice president did not take a single penny from a foreign government; indeed his family received millions from several foreign governments, Ukraine, Russia, China, to name a few. His son was used as the bagman so Vice President Biden could maintain, “plausible deniability”, the favored phrase of political elites when explaining how they get away with so much.
Why should it matter what a politician does to earn a few extra bucks? After all the Vice President makes a measly $230,700 annually, has complimentary gold plated health care, unlimited use of government limousines, jets, and helicopters, free rent at the Vice-Presidential Mansion, free office space in the White House with only eighty staffers, round the clock Secret Service protection, a government pension upon retirement, and a bust of his likeness will be carved from marble and enshrined in the Senate wing of the Capitol Building. With such a paltry compensation package one would definitely need a second job to make ends meet.
Sarcasm aside, we are just a few days away from an election and this is what has become clear to me: China owns most of the factories that produce everything Americans need or want. China owns our debt. China owns Hollywood, and now, considering Joe Biden’s statement from the first debate, “I am the Democratic Party”, China owns the DNC.
So I ask again, should we search out the truth and cast our vote knowing all there is to know, or should we pretend not to know and risk becoming complicit in the election of a candidate compromised by Communist China?
by Jim Scarantino | Oct 29, 2020 | General
It looks like a scene from Seattle. A transient/homeless village of at least 35 tents, RVs and vehicles has taken over the Jefferson County Fairgrounds.
“I’ve been here 12 years,” says Terry Berge, the Fairgrounds campground host. “I’ve never had a a year like this. It has been tough. Frustrating. Seventy percent of these people have mental health problems. Police are out here at least twice a week. Five times last week. Last night three officers were here until midnight.”
Those officers were dealing with a woman who had taken over the bathroom and refused to leave during a mental health episode.
What about drug use? Was he seeing it? “Constantly,” Berge says. “Three times the police had to use Naloxone” on people who had overdosed on heroin.
Was he seeing stolen property being brought to the camp? “Yes. There is an awful lot of stuff piling up here. We’ve had 50 to 100 bikes. There’s one in the dumpster now.”

When I visited the Fairgrounds this summer, tents were lined up against the fence by the apartments. Neighbors had been complaining about loud music, fighting, shouting at all hours, and open drug use. (“Lines Form in Battle for Fairgrounds’ Future“)
“We had complaints about buckets,” Berge said. “The smell and seeing it being done.” He was talking about people using buckets as toilets, defecating in the open. “We took four or five buckets from one tent. Neighbors could smell it.”
Only five paying visitors were staying overnight at the campground this day. “They feel like they are being taken advantage of,” Berge said. “One of the saddest things is the people who would come back here every year. They said this was a gem. They’d come from California and other places. Now they pull in and turn around, or stay only one night.”
The transient/homeless campers are not paying anything, not for the use of their spaces, for water, the bathrooms or trash removal. The dumpsters were completely full. So people would not use buckets, at its own expense the Fairgrounds brought in a portable toilet and pays for servicing.
“I found it smeared with feces,” Berge said. On this day it smelled pretty bad, even from a distance.
A homeless camper’s RV caught fire. The owner was told not to come back. The Fairgrounds had to spend $6,000 to clear away the wreck. That person has returned and cannot be evicted because of the Governor’s order prohibiting evictions during his declared pandemic emergency.
“The people that were paying at the beginning,” Berge said, “stopped when the Governor’s order came down.”
As I discovered this summer, quite a few of the transient/homeless campers have incomes, from Social Security, even retirement. But because of the Governor’s order, they have collectively decided not to pay anything.
In a little while heavy rains will come and the Fairgrounds will turn into a muddy mess. In anticipation, Berge is taping off large areas of the field to prevent vehicles from driving through what will become bogs. Living conditions are going to rapidly deteriorate for those in tents.
Berge looks weary of it all. Instead of being a campground host, he has become the community’s front line representative in dealing with a large, troubled, lawless homeless population. “There’s new people here all the time,” he says.
The pay box for the Fairgrounds has been robbed. He has to negotiate with factions of the homeless who are hostile towards each other. He has to do his best to keep the place from getting worse. He has seen not one elected city official and no County Commissioner since Greg Brotherton came out several months ago. The encampment is receiving no social services, though a Dove House employee does come by occasionally to talk to some of the residents.
County Commissioners have been getting public comments and many letters from neighbors reporting crimes, people passed out on their lawns, vandalism and discarded syringes. They have also been told of drug dealing going on in the camp.
Berge pointed to the empty, overgrown pastures and corrals. “We can’t have horses here,” he said. “It wouldn’t be safe for them.”

There is another homeless site in the trees behind these trailers.
Driving away, I felt sorry for Terry Berge. He did not sign on for this. And he’s getting no help except when the situation becomes so bad police must be called.
by Jim Scarantino | Oct 27, 2020 | Politics
The Board of Health needs to look in the mirror.
They have declared “systemic racism” a public health emergency. Do they realize that they are that system?
The Board of Health is a composite of Port Townsend’s political and economic elite. Only one of of its members does not have a city mailing address. They represent what passes for our local ruling class.
If there is “systemic racism” they are to blame. They run the show. They make the laws and regulations. They have set the narrative and governed the society they now condemn as sick.
In their resolution, passed October 15, 2020, with only one dissenting vote and a minor edit, they commit themselves to healing themselves. The resolution is really all about them, anyway. It is their ritual self debasement. Maybe they need redemption. Maybe they just want to show how virtuous they can be in a Mandala Center for Change acting-out-sort-of-way. Over a year ago they had suggested putting the whole Board of Health through one of Racism Central’s cultish indoctrination workshops. The Mandala Center is where you go in Port Townsend to become a racist, or hone your pre-existing racism, and emerge with a complicating symptom of tedious self-righteousness. I hope to be writing more about that down the line.
The Board members commit to ongoing work around race and equity such as participating in racial equity training, engaging and being responsive to communities and residents impacted by racism as partners in identifying and implementing solutions, establishing an agreed upon understanding of racial equity principles to work towards antiracist policies and practices and to serve as ambassadors of racial equity work, seeking diversity in board membership, the need to include voices of people of color when addressing issues of racism, and to hold one another accountable to addressing implicit biases of all kinds.
That’s from the Board of Health’s systemic racism declaration. The treatment will require more than a few weeks at a re-education camp. Of course, taxpayers will be paying for their therapy sessions while the Board of Health continues to ignore Jefferson County’s real health crises: joblessness, poverty, addiction, depression, despair and suicide.
The Board of Health already has before it a simple first step towards correcting its racist ways. But they won’t take it.
They endorsed Black Genocide and chose to honor an organization created to control, reduce and eventually exterminate Black Americans.
I wrote in June about their decision to celebrate a full century of Planned Parenthood’s work, including its racist and eugenicist origins. (“Black Lives Don’t Matter: Systemic Racism in the Jefferson County Public Health Department“) For most of its history Planned Parenthood was led by Margaret Sanger, whom everyone who is not lying to themselves knows was an avowed racist. Heck, she was a popular speaker at gatherings of the Ku Klux Klan. She wrote openly of how Black people were at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder. She is still the organization’s spiritual and intellectual inspiration. Their highest award is today named after the woman who warned White women that Black men could not help but be rapists because it was in their primitive nature.
Our racist Board of Health members effectively held up her work and writings and said, “Right on! You go, girl!”
Does this make them racist? Yup. We don’t want to toss that word around as recklessly as CNN does. But seriously, nobody made them celebrate Sanger’s work. They chose to bake the cake for her ugly baby’s 100th birthday.
More and more Black Americans are condemning Planned Parenthood and Sanger’s deplorable beliefs. I wrote about that in the article linked in the preceding paragraph. Since then, new, louder and more prominent Black voices have spoken against the implementation of Sanger’s planned Black Genocide through her institutional offspring. The latest voice joining that chorus is Kanye West who spoke on a podcast to Josh Rogan’s almost 20 million followers. “We’re in a genocide,” West declared as he called out Planned Parenthood’s program to kill Black babies.
“Let me talk about Planned Parenthood. There’s the last figure I saw is there were 210,000 deaths that’s due to COVID in America. And everywhere you go, you see someone with a mask on … With abortion culture, there are 1,000 Black children aborted a day,” he said. “So, more Black children have died in the past, since February, than people have died of COVID, and everyone wears a mask,” he continued. “So, it’s a matter of where are we turning a blind eye to?”
Dear Board of Health, remember, ALL Black lives matter. Your silence is violence.
Of course, the Board of Health may not be hearing Kanye West or other Black voices saying that abortion is killing them at numbers greater than those killed in the North American slave trade. Why? Because, to quote Joe Biden, “they ain’t Black.”
If you want to see real racism, look at how White liberals react to Black conservatives. They ignore them. Or they ridicule and attack them to deter others from jumping off the intellectual plantation.
That’s what you will hear from Black conservatives who have been on the receiving end of White liberal racism. Larry Elder’s, “Uncle Tom” documentary tells their story. It is eye opening for it shows (1) the rich intellectual, philosophical and political diversity of Black America that is ignored by establishment media; (2) the brilliance, eloquence and determination of conservative Black Americans; and (3) the sordid truth that liberal America is in fact the source of any systemic racism that exists in this nation. The photo at the top shows Elder with some of the scholars and activists featured in his film. These are your therapists, dear Board of Health.
“I will not pretend to be a victim in this country,” says Candace Owens in the film. “I know that makes many people on the Left uncomfortable.”
We hear that getting uncomfortable is the first step for Whites to shake off their White supremacy. Hey, Board of Health, this may be something you really need to hear. If you have the courage to listen.
“At their core, the White liberal is the ultimate narcissist,” says Owens. “It’s the people who adopt animals for the purpose of saying, ‘I adopted an animal.’ Like, to them we are these pathetic, cute little playthings that they can then take to their friends and say, ‘Look at this person that I helped.'”
Uncomfortable yet? Here’s more self-awareness therapy for the Board of Health:
It is the Democrat Party, the party of every member of the Board of Health, that spread slavery across the country and provoked a bloody Civil War to preserve it. Like they chose to embrace Sanger, they have chosen to give their loyalty to this party. The party of the Board of the Health lynched Blacks, burned their homes and blocked them from participating in American democracy and prosperity for over a hundred years after Appomattox. The Board of Health belongs to the party of the Klan and Jim Crow. Democrats are responsible for the 1994 federal crime bill authored by Joe Biden, a friend to segregationists throughout his Senate career. This legislation, passed by a Democrat Congress and signed by a Democrat President sent a generation of Black Americans to prison when White Americans committing equivalent crimes got probation as punishment. The Board of Health is of the party that creates and maintains urban plantations of despair wherever it has monopoly power over city politics.
The Board of Health says it wants to change the way it thinks about Black Americans and racism. They don’t need a reeducation camp. They can all watch Elder’s “Uncle Tom” and take their first step on the path to healing what’s wrong with them.
And they can revoke their celebration and endorsement of the racist legacy of Planned Parenthood. Easy peazy, if the will is there.
Cheaper than a brainwashing session at the Mandala Center ($150 for an online workshop), Elder’s excellent, critically-acclaimed documentary is available on DVD for only $17. I am ordering a copy for the Board of Health. They can pass it around and begin to purge themselves of the systemic racism they believe they have helped graft onto this county of wonderful, kind, people. I really hope the Board of Health members will watch Elder’s video. It would be racist not to.
Lesson 1. Here is an out take from the film that convicts White liberals for what they are doing to Black Americans. “I can change a bigot faster than I can change a patronizing liberal,” says Robert L. Woodson at the beginning and its gets more and more uncomfortable for White liberals from there. But that’s good, right?
by A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend | Oct 23, 2020 | General
After weeks of listening to the talking points from the mouths of our national leaders on the left, I sent this message to the Senators and Congressman representing Jefferson County, Washington at the federal level.
“Instead of congratulations for running a successful campaign that offers any viable alternative to the Trump Presidency, I am contacting you to register my shock and dismay with the leaders of the Democratic Party clearly signaling to the electorate that they will refuse to accept the results of the upcoming election if it is not in their favor. Joe Biden threatens the American population with continued rioting if the Republican candidate is re-elected, and through the Transition Integrity Project we learn that Democratic Leaders continue to war game for a coup to remove the president. This is not a Democratic Party I recognize or can support. Please tell me you will stand for the rule of law in the coming months. Please make an immediate public statement to your constituents that you support free and fair elections and will condemn any rioting that demands a duly elected candidate must go because a violent mob says he is illegitimate.”
I have heard nothing of any substance in return from Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, or Congressman Kilmer. I am not surprised. They are busy people.
I have struggled lately to explain to my kind, intelligent and thoughtful friends in Port Townsend why I am astounded at the general lack of interest in the recent revelations surrounding the most monumental criminal conspiracy in the history of American politics. I hear their dismay when they described how rude it was for a Presidential candidate to be interrupted in a debate, but no one seems to be able to grasp that for the last four years there has been an active and ongoing effort at the highest levels inside and outside of our Federal Government to overthrow a duly elected president. People I speak to admit to little more than just wanting to move on. I am left to think that a crime in progress, perpetrated on the American people by officials in their government, is too much for them to comprehend. They seem to think if we just pretend not to notice, all this trouble will go away, and will never happen again.
Some have described this action as a “Soft Coup”, but after researching the origins of this term I think Phil D’Agostino, writing for The American Thinker back in December of 2019, defines what we are experiencing in far better terms.
“As evidenced by the statements of many current players behinds the scenes who have been actively trying to fundamentally transform America, it would seem that in the 20th Century, it was determined by those committed to the transformation, that the people of the USA would never willfully throw away their freedoms and embrace some form of Marxian socialism. Therefore, in order to effect this change, there needed to be an internal use of the system itself to subvert it through legislation and regulations to become a de facto state of Marxian socialism without ever calling it such, nor voting for such.”
D’Agostino continues: “Ever since, there have been bureaucrats and presidents who have worked against the will of the majority in order to ‘overthrow’ the duly elected government and replace it with their own view of what the US government ‘should’ look like. It is a war, not a coup. They are relentless, indefatigable. They will never stop.“
He goes on to say we might think this is just about Trump, but it is not.
Any person, “Who embraces the ideals of small government, personal freedom of choice, personal property rights, and the ability to defend our ownership of what we’ve created or accumulated, will be the next target. A relative handful of people would superimpose their views as a minority onto the will of the majority because they believe themselves to be smarter, better, more correct.”
So, for my kind, intelligent, and thoughtful friends in Port Townsend this is what has been pre-eminent in my thoughts over the last few weeks. I ask that you consider the undeniable truth that is there for all of us to see if we wish to do so and ask yourself, Do you want to be ruled by people who are sure they are smarter, better, more correct and know what you need better than you do? Or do you prefer the original intent of what was given to us so many years ago, government of the people, by the people, for the people? The choice between the two has never been more stark.
by Jim Scarantino | Oct 23, 2020 | General
Who is this sign thief? She was photographed just after she stole a Trump sign. The location was Irondale Road at the bottom of a driveway, close to where 7th Street turns off. The sign had been standing along the road near the bottom of a drive for a single wide that is not currently occupied.
Port Townsend Free Press will pay $100 for information leading to her citation for the criminal offense of damaging/stealing political signs.
[Update: the thief has been apprehended and cited for eight incidents of stealing campaign signs. Good work, deputies. The woman who contacted the Sheriff’s Office has not claimed the reward. This thief wasn’t too smart. Not only did she pose for these photos, she recorded herself in the act and posted a TikTok video of her crimes.]