Port Townsend Antifa, Easy as 1-2-3

by | Aug 29, 2020 | General | 3 comments

Start your own Antifa group. Easy peasy. As our Concerned Citizen of Port Townsend has learned, like making bombs, the instructions are available on the Internet. For those slow to recognize sarcasm, this is sarcasm. But it shows us what the people burning our cities, attacking police, exploiting Black lives and deaths and calling for ever more violence are about. Some of the tactics from Antifa’s how-to manuals are already being used here, such as interference with rallies for law enforcement, doxxing and retaliating against individuals and businesses that don’t conform to their ideology. Ironically, the businesses being targeted by PT’s Antifa wannabees and Black Lives Matter supporters are mostly immigrant minority-owned businesses. We might be writing more about that. From the Editor. 

The other day I was wandering aimlessly on the web, and in a freak accident came across exactly what has been on my mind for the last few weeks, How To Form An Antifa Group, at joinantifa.com.

According to United States Representative and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler, “Antifa is a myth”, so this must be a parody website, yet the information provided is most helpful.

In a bright and positive tone the website declares, “Antifascist groups, often called Antifa, are popping up all around the U.S. and a number of people have asked advice on forming a group.”

According to the website, the first question I must ask myself is, “Why Antifa?”

I am told that the label has distinct advantages and disadvantages, primarily “brand recognition and built in credibility”, but also certain “obligations”.

Everybody likes brand recognition and credibility, obligations not so much. But, in for a penny, in for a pound. Here are the obligations as listed on the website:

  1. Track white nationalists, far right, and fascist activity.
  2. Oppress public far right organizing.
  3. Support other anti-fascists.
  4. Build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.

This seems doable.

I am told to stay anonymous, and use the “closed collective” model for recruiting other members. No open meetings, no people just walking in off the street.

I should carefully manage my online presence. Use only Twitter because it limits the amount of personal information that could be exposed.

Creating a website is a good idea because this implies my group is more “legitimate”. This should be used if, and when, I want to “Dox a local fascist”.

It is also recommended that I practice martial arts, and educate myself in which self-defense weapons, pepper spray, clubs, etc. are legal to carry in my area. It is suggested that I might contact a lawyer who could help me with this topic.

For those who don’t have time to master a martial art, or contact a lawyer, the topic of guns is discussed, especially concealed carry because it is better “for fascists to try and roll on you without realizing you are armed.”

I note that if I am lacking in self-defense hardware I can buy over-the-counter assault pepper spray, military inspired weapons, and tactical pens directly from companies advertising on the joinantifa.com website. 

I skim over the sections on dealing with loose cannons, infiltrators, state repression, and political orientation except for this gem –  if other organizations hesitate to collaborate with your Antifa group, approach them under a different name such as “Las Cruces Against United Racism”.

Finally I came to what I crave, the “Take Action” section. Here is what the website recommends.

  1. Establish an online presence – web page, twitter, etc.
  2. Start monitoring fascists – they are everywhere!
  3. Tear down any fascist posters or stickers in your community, replace with anti-fascist posters and stickers.
  4. Start Doxxing – identify fascists, publish photographs, home addresses, phone numbers, social media, and employment information. Get them fired. Make sure your “Intel” is correct because you can, “lose credibility and create unnecessary enemies” if you have bad information.
  5. Shut down events – “pressure venues to cancel racist or fascist events”.
  6. Self defense training, again – “a good way to increase confidence and meet new people.”
  7. Throw benefits and table at events – “important in cultural scenes where fascists are recruiting.” Don’t forget to donate to the International Anti-Fascist Defense Fund, intlantifadefence.wordpress.com.
  8. Organize mass demonstrations – if this is too big of a hurdle, joinantifa.com recommends combining efforts with “other demonstrations such as Black Lives Matter”.

It’s time for action Port Townsend! Who’s in?


A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend

The author asked that we protect her identity and we agreed. She fears retaliation for expressing her views and sharing research she has conducted in an honest effort to understand the turmoil surrounding her. Having experienced retaliation ourselves for articles published on this site, we appreciate and have sympathy for her fears.

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  1. Timothy M Wetherill

    One has to protect the castle.

  2. Kep Kepler

    Inciting rioting, looting is illegal Please remove this article and report the author to Law Enforcement

    • Jim Scarantino

      This is sarcasm, but revealing in what Antifa is really about.


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