Burn Everything Down

by | Aug 13, 2020 | Politics | 0 comments

On Friday, July 24th the citizens and businesses of Seattle were told by their police chief Carmen Best that because of Seattle City Council decisions, they would be without law enforcement protection if a peaceful protest/riot occurred in their neighborhood.

City Council Ordinance 119805 Crowd Control Tool goes into effect this weekend on Sunday, July 26th, 2020,: Chief Best told the city. “This ordinance bans Seattle Police officers the use of less lethal tools, including pepper spray, that is commonly used to disperse crowds that have turned violent. Simply put the legislation gives officers NO ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large violent crowd.

If you remember news reports from the “peaceful” protest held the following Sunday, several construction trailers at the site of soon-to-be-built youth justice center were torched by arsonists, a Starbucks was smashed and looted, a neighborhood was trashed.

Are we laying out an open invitation for the same to happen here as the Port Townsend City Council rushes to virtue signal to the mob in their efforts to defund our already bare bones police force?

The media tells us that these “Mostly Peaceful Protests” are either in support of Black Lives Matters, in opposition to the oppression of federal law enforcement, or possibly, a new uprising against generations of systematic racism.

What more than a few of the “protesters”have said during interviews with the handful of journalists brave enough to wade into the fray is very clear: “We need to burn the whole thing down”

I have heard this phrase repeated many times in the video feeds that have allowed all of us to witness this national catastrophe as it has unfolded in Democrat run cities across our county.

While searching for answers I came across this observation:

Critical race theory’s adherents appear to believe that the only way to fix societal injustice is to burn everything down and start over. 

Critical race theory emerged from academia in the 1980’s, has its roots in Marxism, and is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica thusly:

Law and legal institutions are inherently racist and race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color.

These peaceful protesters that want to burn everything down are not fighting for equal justice under the law or freedom of the individual from an oppressive government. They have been educated to believe that everything we have today needs to be destroyed so that their vision of what our country should be–and that would be a country completely under their control–can be built upon the ashes. They are speaking the language of Cultural Revolution.

“Cultural Revolutions are insidious and not just because they seek to change the way people think, write, speak and act. They are also dangerous because they are fueled by self-righteous sanctimoniousness, expressed in seemingly innocuous terms such as “social activism”, “equality” and “fairness”. The ultimate aim of the Jacobin, Bolshevik, or Maoist is raw power – force of the sort sought by Hugo Chavez or the Castro Dynasty to get rich, inflict payback on their perceived enemies, reward friends, and be perceived as saviors. Cubans and Venezuelans got poor and killed; Woke Chavezes and Castros got rich and murderous.” Victor Davis Hansen, amgreatness.com, July 19, 2020

When a mob, a movement–a cultural revolution–is telling us what they want, we need to believe them.

[Editor’s note: Carmen Best, Seattle’s first Black police chief, resigned 8/11/20. The Seattle Council resolution prohibiting police from using non-lethal crowd control tools was temporarily enjoined by a Federal court and is in litigation. Crime of all kinds, from murder to vandalism to sexual assaults, is soaring in Seattle at the same time that City Council has unanimously voted to cut the police force in half and disband key crime prevention units, such as the Navigation Teams that brought the chronically homeless population in contact with social services and cleared out homeless encampments posing dangers to occupants and neighbors.]

Also by this author:  “Wondering About Black Lives Matter


A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend

The author asked that we protect her identity and we agreed. She fears retaliation for expressing her views and sharing research she has conducted in an honest effort to understand the turmoil surrounding her. Having experienced retaliation ourselves for articles published on this site, we appreciate and have sympathy for her fears.

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