Unmasking Masking Mendacity

by | Jun 8, 2020 | General | 2 comments

Jefferson County has gone all in on community masking. On June 5 Dr. Thomas Locke, Jefferson County Public Health Officer, issued a directive requiring that masks be worn in all indoor spaces. Just wander around town and look in the windows and on the doors of local businesses. From what I see, Dr. Thomas Locke is at risk of being promoted to the unenviable position of High Inquisitor of Public Health. Business owners in our county have been involuntarily recruited as enforcement goons. If life imitates art, next to arrive will be the inquisitorial squads.

Just in case you weren’t paying attention, (don’t worry I am), on that same day the World Health Organization issued their updated Advice On The Use Of Masks in the context of Covid 19. Deep in the weeds of the document I found this information, which has not changed since the last update on April 6th.

At present there is no direct evidence (from studies on Covid 19 and in healthy people in the community) on the effectiveness of universal masking of healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses, including Covid 19. 

Still undecided? Maybe a recent letter originating from infectious disease experts at the University of Washington and signed by some twelve hundred doctors, medical experts, and whoever happened to be sitting at their computer when the signature request arrived, will help settle the mask debate. Or, If you are suffering from riot video binging induced insomnia, it might help you get back to sleep. Either way, here are the core messages delivered to us by academics at University of Washington:

A) The anti-masking and stay at home order protests of a month ago, where thousands were disobeying masking and social distance decrees, must be condemned by health experts because these actions “not only oppose public health interventions, but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for black lives.”

B) The Black Lives Matter protests of recent days, where thousands were also disobeying masking and social distance decrees, should not be condemned by health experts as a danger to public welfare because “White supremacy is a lethal public health issue” and the demonstrations are “Vital to the national public health”

I am not making this stuff up. Here’s the link if you want to read this word hash for yourself, https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/3/public-health-experts-support-george-floyd-protest/

In a desperate attempt to clear the fog of confusion and hypocrisy that has descended upon us, I went to the website of the American Council on Science and Health whose mission is to promote science and debunk junk. They can usually be relied upon for solid, fact-base, opinions.

In an article dated April 1st, 2020 and titled, Corona Virus, Is It Time to Consider Face Masks for Civilians, Dr. Chuck Dinerstein, M.D., M.B.A. reviews what is known and what he has learned from people whose opinion he trusts and makes this final tepid conclusion; “There is little downside to wearing a mask when you venture out of your home, and the real possibility of an upside benefit.”

I could say the same thing about wearing my underwear on the outside of my pants. Let’s hope the Health Department doesn’t get any ideas about this.

In all seriousness, it should be increasingly clear, that we are being lied to by those who wish to consolidate their power and undermine our freedoms. This cannot continue.

If you are wearing a mask and it makes you feel better, than by all means don’t stop.

If you aren’t wearing a mask and somebody objects, just say you are protesting injustice.




Brett Nunn

Brett Nunn has spent the last two decades in Port Townsend's Uptown, raising a family, volunteering at local schools and wandering the outdoors. He writes about survival, community and culture. He is the author of the book, "Panic Rising: True-Life Survivor Tales from the Great Outdoors."

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  1. Dennis Newman

    Thank You, question I notice the Flags at the sign coming into PT aren’t there, can you find out which politician took them down I for one want them put back ASAP

  2. Jane Schwencke

    Thanks for your research on our behalf. Please keep up the good work.


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