Who has been informing on their neighbor? An enterprising citizen journalist has enabled a searchable database that answers that question. Allegations of violations of the Governor’s “Stay at Home” and “essential/non-essential” business list have generated thousands of pages of public records that before required hours to review. That task has been made much easier.
The site is Cop Blaster at https://quilcene-wa.copblaster.com/snitches/copcallers/
To do your search type “Snitches” in the first box, “Informants” in the second. “Washington” remains constant for state information. In the fourth box type in the locality, such as Port Townsend or Quilcene. New information is being added as public records requests continue to produce new information. The search results come back with different results occasionally.
Just because someone snitched does not mean they know what they are talking about. The business in question might be essential, the activities being conducted inside might be within the scope of the Governor’s permitted activities list, they may be misinterpreting what they are seeing, they may be acting out of malice, they may be lying.
As far as we can tell, none of these reports amounted to anything other than to generate records now available to the public. Everything in this database comes from material anyone could access with their own public records request.
We searched for “snitches,” “police calls” and “Port Townsend” and got four hits one time, six hits the next. Here is the link to what we found. One of the six hits was actually for a Port Hadlock organization, so we categorized it there:
- Christina Roth informed on Vintage Hardware and Lighting, alleging it continued to operate.
- Nancee Braddock informed on the gun club, alleging it was allowing shooting.
- Anonymous informed on Jefferson County Fairgrounds, alleging concerns with homeless staying there.
- Anonymous informed on an unnamed gym, alleging it remained open.
- Anonymous informed on Jefferson Healthcare, alleging that “non-essential” departments remained open.
We performed a similar search for Quilcene and got these results:
- Joseph Gallant informed on Coast Oyster, alleging their employee parking lot was “as full as ever.”
- Terri Naughton informed on Outback Bud Company, alleging it was engaging in construction..
For Port Ludlow, one result: Tom Stevens informed on Port Ludlow Condominiums Number 1, alleging it was continuing with residential construction.
For Port Hadlock we got three results:
- Someone named Kachele informed on Enclume Design Products, alleging continuing operations.
- Anonymous informed on The United Church, alleging it was holding services.
- Anonymous informed on DD Electrical, alleging the business was nonessential and open.
For Brinnon, we obtained these results:
- Cathy White informed against an Air BnB, alleging they were bringing in guests and the cleaning person did not have protective gear.
- Cathy White informed against the same or another Air BnB, alleging the business was continuing to take in guests.
- Anonymous informed on Whitney Gardens, alleging they were open for business.
- Mike informed on Whitney Gardens, alleging people from all over the state were visiting the business.
Thanks to Glen Morgan of wethegoverned.com and his article: “Governor Jay Inslee’s Snitch List–the Second Batch,” for letting readers know about this searchable database. Morgan’s earlier reporting on the first batch of informant public records–“Inslee’s informant army”–may be read at this link.
Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.
Keep at it Sir. We the People believe you are providing an extremely valuable service in the age of Lemmings. We must continue to question all that lacks simple common sense, which seems to be in as short supply as the N95 mask.
Great find, thanks for the info!
Thank you, Jim, for continuing to inform us, the innocent victims of the most backward county, in the most backward state, in the union.
Snitchers soon to become synonymous with “contact tracers”….on the way to loss of more privacy/freedoms.
This smacks of marshal law and the beginning of communism. I don’t understand why people are following like sheep – they need to revisit their history and watch Hitler’s actions – unbelievable.