Face Toward The Enemy: Protesting Governor Inslee’s Stay At Home Order

by | Apr 23, 2020 | General | 3 comments

A whole lot of guns. That was my first observation at the April 19, 2020, rally on the Capitol steps in Olympia. About 2,500 people had assembled to protest the Governor’s lock down order and call for restoration of constitutional rights. I saw many USA flags, Trump banners and handmade signs offering comic relief in this time of stress and anxiety.

Did I mention a whole lot of guns? Maybe that’s what I noticed so much because looking out for guns was what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan. I served 24 years in the Army, as a medic and Sergeant Major. Being on the lookout for guns will probably always be with me.

I came alone and maintained social distance from others. Personally, I don’t like people in my personal space. That attitude comes in handy right now.

The hundreds of signs said lots of things. Taken together, their message to the Governor was simple: “We want our lives back.”  The sentiment that the Governor had overstepped his authority and was infringing on constitutional liberties was strong.

My family, friends and even a neighbor expressed concern about me being there. The discussion with my neighbor got quite heated at one point, and lasted to the next morning. But we ended with mutual apologies and probably would have added a handshake and hug under other circumstances. I let him know I was going to the demonstration regardless of anything he said.

Let me explain my lack of concern about being in a crowd of thousands right now.

As an Army medic I received substantial training on NBC–Nuclear, Biological, Chemical–procedures and treatment. One of those procedures in case of a bio attack was not to put patients in enclosed areas. Tent sides get rolled up, windows and doors stay open, patients are spread out. We were to ventilate the area with fans and blowers. Outdoors, if possible, is even better.

We learned these lessons in WWI.  Dispersal of the agent or bug is the goal.  This lesson applies equally to a virus, like COVID-19. We have learned it does not long survive when dispersed. It is curious how it can survive up to 72 hours on stainless steel.

Here is my point: quarantining people indoors is the opposite of everything we teach Army medics.

At a safe social distance, I spoke with Brandi Kruse of Q13 Fox New. She wanted questions to put to elected officials. I wanted her to ask about the differential, preferential treatment of businesses under the Governor’s order. I let her know she’d been asking softball questions of politicians. I also had a question about a commentary she had broadcast, called, “Live Free or Die.” I wanted to know how you can fight for freedom if you’re not allowed to leave your house.

Washington is the only state in the country where you can’t go outside and fish, even by yourself in a boat a hundred yards from shore.  I was trained to think logically and rationally, making decisions based on medical science. This and other prohibitions by the Governor make no sense whatsoever.

When I drive down Sims Way in Port Townsend, what I see are small businesses. How many of them will we lose permanently? How soon will we be seeing “going of out business” and “for rent” signs and empty storefronts?

Pushing our small businesses off the brink makes no more sense than banning fishing. Large businesses favored in the Governor’s order can operate safely. If big box stores can do it, so can the Mom & Pop stores. I say this to business owners: open your doors, be smart, wear masks, wash your hands, and operate the same way as those businesses the Governor has never closed down.

Don’t surrender your constitutional rights for senseless reasons. We can beat this virus and not kill our economy.

I learned this in the Army: “Face towards the enemy and march on.” This is an enemy we cannot see. We beat it by practicing social distancing and good hygiene. Common sense. It is also common sense we have to get everyone back to work now, no more bleeding, no more negligence by our Governor in harming those he should be helping. We never want to look back only to say, “The operation was a success, but the patient died.”


Tod Brundage

Tod Brundage served 24 years in the United States Army, and retired as Sergeant Major after working in the communications, operations and medical fields. He is married, with three children, a resident of Port Townsend and a graduate of the Northwest School of Boat Building. He is currently building his own cedar strip canoe.

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  1. Dave Thompson

    I have to agree. Its called the corona virus, covide19, and many other things but also the invisible enemy. Millitary trains you to put your head down and go forward. MOVE FORWARD !!!. Start to fight back against the invisible instead of hiding in your home. Because some one told you. Take your life back. Good question ive been trying to ask is this. YOU cannot go to a local shop to get a hair cut. you cannot go to your local dry cleaner to get a well detailed outfit. So question is look at any pollitition or even local law enforcement officer?????? or news anchor for that matter. And ask how did you get your hair cut? how did you get your outfit pressed. Keep in mind We cant do either. but they can. How is that? Open our small businesses open our local barber shops open our local dry cleaners open our small businesses. If they can have a fresh hair cut, Pressed suit or dress. But you!! cant??? never let some one tell you cant move forward. Lets get back to work and move forward. and as soon as we can stay away from chain dinners, chain barbers, hit up your local small buisness.

  2. GLENN

    America was not founded on the attitude of we can’t do something, America was how can we do this!! Now it should be how can we do this safely, there is a way! lets move forward Gov.

  3. Jim Scarantino

    From reader Marie, some thoughtful legal analysis: How to attempt to legally become dictator of Washington State, suspend the Bill of Rights and destroy the economy.

    STEP 1: Use RCW 43.06.010 to declare a State of Emergency.

    “(12) The governor may, after finding that a public disorder, disaster, energy emergency, or riot exists within this state or any part thereof which affects life, health, property, or the public peace, proclaim a state of emergency in the area affected, and the powers granted the governor during a state of emergency shall be effective only within the area described in the proclamation;”

    The words in the law are so vague that any alleged threat could qualify as an emergency even if utilities, roads, communications and hospitals are functioning normally.

    STEP 2: Once the governor proclaims a state of emergency RCW 43.06.220 allows him to become a dictator. The law was obviously written to deal with emergencies such as “public disorder, disaster, energy emergency, or riot”. The purpose was to restore order and protect human life.

    What is the difference between using RCW 43.06.220 in a riot and Proclamation 20-25 STAY HOME – STAY HEALTHY? A riot is not peaceful assembly so there is no First Amendment issue. RCW 43.06.220 used to control the COVID-19 outbreak is definitely infringing on the civil rights of law abiding citizens.
    Is this deprivation of rights under color of law?

    Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.



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