How’s Jay Inslee Doing as Dictator?

by | Apr 11, 2020 | General | 9 comments

We face great dangers to life and liberty, not just from a novel virus, but also from political leaders who too quickly embrace the role of dictator and abuse their power. That’s how it goes with dictators. And that’s how it’s going with Jay Inslee.

On one hand, Inslee has done some things right, though his delay in responding to the COVID-19 crisis and his administration’s lack of preparation cost lives and allowed the virus to spread. An in-depth review of events by the Seattle Times shows that Inslee’s initial steps were grave missteps.

How the coronavirus overwhelmed Washington’s early steps to contain it,” Seattle Times, April 5, 2020.

Inslee’s decision to order a statewide emergency, and trigger his emergency powers, had the desired impact. He got the state’s undivided attention which had been missing, in part due to Inslee’s own downplaying of the threat from the virus, as the Seattle Times reports.

Finally, on March 23, Governor Inslee issued his stay-at-home order, accompanied by his list of businesses he deemed essential, with the consequence that all those that did not make his list had to cease operations.

Dictator For How Long?

Inslee has begun unilaterally to expand his emergency powers beyond those permitted by state law, RCW-43.06.220.

His order extending the statewide stay-at-home order to May 4 goes beyond the thirty days voters approved when they agreed to subject themselves to a temporary dictatorship during a state of emergency. Inslee has said he might give himself an even a longer term as dictator. The law required consultation and consent of legislative leaders to any extension of time. By claiming the extension unilaterally he has put legislative leaders into a position where they either acquiesce or are forced to take action to preserve the rule of law. The Legislature and courts are in Democrat control. Inslee likely faces no serious challenge to ruling by fiat. Especially, since as is next discussed, Inslee has been using his powers to favor Democrat interests and constituencies while harming those that fall into the Republican camp.

Inslee has also ordered all public and private schools to close for the remainder of the school year, another action extending dictatorial powers beyond the time period to which voters consented.

Playing Favorites

A close analysis of Inslee’s essential business designations shows he’s been playing political favorites. Because his list produces ludicrous results, we should ask hard questions about what is going on.

Under Inslee’s decree, you can build a pot shop, but not a house. Because Inslee has decreed that marijuana retail is an essential activity–but not residential housing construction–remodeling, or expansion of a pot shop is permitted.

The state gets huge tax revenues from marijuana farming and retail, and the marijuana lobby is a well-funded, influential lobby solidly in Inslee’s column.

You can organize unions. You cannot oppose them.

Inslee has deemed unions and “worker advocacy organizations,” and everything they do, as essential activities. Union organizers can continue to organize and play politics. But employers and their lawyers, even workers who don’t want to be unionized, can’t come out of their houses. Inslee has shut them down.  Along the same lines, a union can hold meetings of members, but a church congregation cannot gather to sing songs outside in a parking lot, even if everyone stood twenty feet apart.

Surgical abortions may continue, but many cancer patients have been told their procedures are canceled indefinitely. So the cancers inside these patients continue to grow, and they and their families are left to worry and pray. Limited and strained resources that could be used save lives, Inslee has permitted to be used instead to end lives.

You are likely already providing the explanation yourself: Inslee and the Democrat Party are pro-abortion and strongly supported by abortion activists and businesses that make money killing unwanted human beings. Those powerful interests contribute heavily to Inslee and Democrats, directly and through their own political action committees.

Realtors can show and sell houses and earn real estate commissions, but new houses can’t be built. Realtors can meet with clients, title companies, prospective purchasers, conduct home showings and closings. But carpenters can’t work at opposite ends of a new house, a plumber can’t work alone under the house, a painter can’t be on a ladder outside. Multi-million dollar homes and condos can be bought and sold, but a low income family cannot buy a new manufactured home, because those are not sold by realtors. But they can buy a used one, as long as a realtor is in the deal getting a commission. FSBOs are non-essential under Inslee’s central planning.

Realtors spend tons of money on politicians, mostly Democrats. They have powerful political action committees, and trade organizations with lobbyists who know their way around Olympia and have the phone number for the Governor and his chief of staff.

Inslee has hit rural counties disproportionately hard.  Some of these counties were already suffering Applachia levels of despair and unemployment.  They have seen very few, even no COVID-19 cases or deaths. Inslee has hammered their struggling communities by making them subject to the same restrictions needed in King County.

Rural Washington did not put Inslee in the Governor’s mansion and he’s not counting on rural Washington to keep him there.

Some of this nonsense can be attributed to central planners who just aren’t very good at what they’re doing. But some of these bizarre situations are no doubt due to political favoritism.

Projects Inslee supports go forward. Those he doesn’t care or know about are stopped dead. People working on the Key Arena construction, Sound Transit projects and government funded housing can keep working. He sees these things. He doesn’t see the small businesspeople who work alone, or with family members or the small teams of people who build much of the affordable housing in this state. If workers on publicly financed housing can continue without spreading the virus, why can’t they? The answer won’t be found in science or medicine. The answer lies in politics because nothing else makes sense.

Inslee has also benefitted himself politically by shutting down his opposition.

It is impossible to follow the news and not see Inslee’s daily press conferences, sometimes more than one appearance on camera per day.  Inslee has been out and about, doing photo ops, delivering speeches, cutting ribbons and being seen with health care workers, business leaders, and other political figures. Much of it is plain old campaigning. There’s no reason for Inslee to be there, except to get his face on television. Having declared himself, his staff and all he does as “essential,” he can dominate the evening news every night. He can monopolize media attention. And he can work on his campaign for re-election.

The people seeking to replace him this election year? Non-essential according to Inslee. He is all Washington needs. All those other guys have to stay home.


Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

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  1. Michael A

    Thank you for your commentary in a place where diversity is not welcome by those who claim to embrace it. I actually have a history with his majesty Jay that goes back to his days of ambulance chasing in Yakima. He was a liar then, and apparently never changed. It is all about Him. I sincerely look forward to a new state administration, although the praise he has received over the past several weeks will likely blind voters to his many shortcomings.

  2. marie youssefirad

    Well Duterte he is not; he has people that violate the stay at home order shot, but dictator, really! While the press is free to say their opinions, it is also not acceptable to yell “fire” in a pandemic. No one wants be restricted, and yes, there are inequalities, but America is far from utopia.

    • Larry Dean Hinze

      As long as he can PICK AND CHOOSE what an essential business or activity is? No fishing? Close gun stores and keep open pot shops? Yes, I would say is a DICKtator. Libleral sheeple in this area don’t seem to mind…but they are growing restless. A change is coming!

  3. Ole S. Birkland

    Thank you for yet another excellent article, Jim.

    A popular Democrat initiative is their national drive to force all states into mail-in balloting. One need look no further than single-party Washington to see what this will lead to on a national level. In Washington, Democrats have used all mail balloting to steal elections (a recent Seattle City Council seat, for example) through multiple voting, dead people voting and illegal aliens voting. And whenever they find themselves on the losing end after an election, they seem to always “find” enough addition ballots to put their candidate over the top. No matter that such ballots are often unverified and with no discernible chain of custody. With the media, legislature, governorship and courts firmly on their side, there is little or no risk of things in this state changing any time soon.

    Democrats don’t need all-mail balloting to steal elections, it just makes it easier. Just ask Dino Rossi.

  4. Spike Conti

    Good on you Jim Scarantino:
    You not only hit the nail on the head, you managed to pin the tail on the donkey, or should I say JACKASS!
    Your article, “How’s Jay Inslee doing as Dictator?” was painfully true. The slogan for Jay Inslee’s November bid for re-election should be:
    He is a good example of how someone can take advantage of a crises such as the one we are now faced with, to serve their own political needs.
    Makes no sense he is allowing government projects to continue, but has made residential building “non-essential. And yet, the same health concerns could apply to both. He needs to put personal ambition aside, and make good decisions that will keep the State of Washington safe, and working.

    Spike Conti
    Battle Ground, Wa.

  5. Ed Weber

    If we don’t vote this JACKASS out of office in November, then we get what we deserve!

  6. norm Hillstrom

    People in Central and Eastern WA. are well aware of how ignorant he is and yet 3-4 counties in Western Wa. continue to drink his cool aid and allow him to dictate who and who is not “essential” to him. If Seattle wants to be told how to think and follow him like sheep, go for it…..just let us who are able to think for ourselves alone.
    Let have Electoral votes for Governor ships and let the majority of the counties in Wa. elect someone who governs for the people not himself.

    • Flyman98

      Right on!

  7. Deborah Davis

    I am so disgusted with a Democrap dictatorship in Wa state I pray to God the East will separate from the left ASAP then I will move back to my home town Spokane
    This left-wing dictator king Jay Inslee does not listen to anybody else’s opinion
    he thinks he is the smartest person in the room when honestly it’s just the opposite
    he is destroying peoples peace freedom and absolute child abuse by forcing masks on children that do not die from Covid
    protect the old and vulnerable don’t lock down everybody else
    Jay is enjoying his dictator ship right now a little too much in fact a lot too much
    it’s disgusting what’s going on in the state
    I can’t even recognize it anymore now with this stupid long-term care tax that is forced on Wa and can’t use it is a complete scam!
    Plastic bag ban I just bought 500 bags online so that did a lot of good in it what an idiot he is and these people in Seattle that can’t even speak English nothing but garbage needles graffiti run down old RVs it’s pretty much disgusting here and the riots what a joke the summer of love people better wake up before they don’t have any more summers and it’s not going to be from global warming or climate change religion it’s going to be from losing your freedom The sex Ed classes here are disgusting I totally think there is voter fraud or people here are flat out freaking crazy
    Mrs Davis yeah Mrs Another idiotically idea trying to pretend you’re something you’re not these people are so delusional and the smoking marijuana crap got a freaking store on every corner it’s disgusting people that drive around here drive so slow like they’re half asleep or they drive 100 miles an hour and the shootings and everything else just had one four minutes from my house last summer had one right where I was walking my dogs in a few Democrats comment negatively with your heat let me give you a spiritual awakening piss off


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