Nazi Witches Put Curse on Joe D’Amico

by | Nov 8, 2019 | Politics | 2 comments

Somewhere in Port Townsend, little dolls of Joe D’Amico are being stuck with hat pins. Or wax Joey Dee miniatures are being cast into coal fires. Or hairs plucked from the back of Joe’s head at the last hearing on his proposed gun range are being woven into triple moons or pentangles or ankhs and wrapped around the necks of frogs.

On November 11, 2019, at 49 minutes to noon, Port Townsend witches will seek to seal shut Joe’s mouth, and numb the fingers of P.J. Sullivan to silence voices that ripple the calm waters of their gauzy world.

They will summon the dark god of silence and doom named Zuckerberg to bring down the dreaded Jefferson County Washington Facebook page.

Get it? 11/11 at 11:11 a.m. A time intentionally selected, as organizers have admitted, for its supernatural powers. To witches and Wiccans, 11 is a master and very spiritual number. The space between the numerals is a portal. As the Wiccan website explains, In moments the time, or numbers 11:11 are noticed, one should make a wish and know it will come true.  As previously discussed, a connection between the spiritual and physical worlds comes through this portal, so basically anything can be manifested from the spiritual into the physical and the number 11 resonates with this energetic connection.  It should be accepted as a confirmation from the universe!

In an open letter to Joe D’Amico, they boast of the power of their “magic” that will bring him to his knees, or at least shut him up. Poor Joe.  He’s up against confirmation from the universe! 

Joe D’Amico, owner of Security Services Northwest, once one of the largest private employers in Jefferson County (until he was virtually driven out), employs Sullivan as a communications director of sorts. Sullivan writes the Jefferson County Washington FB page posts. Sullivan spent nearly three decades with The Port Townsend and Jefferson County Leader, as reporter and finally its editor. His is the only sometimes hourly source of information in Jefferson County that offers reports throughout the day and evening about car accidents, fires, public hearings, and other developments. The site is followed by over 7,500 people and makes clear it is not the official governmental information outlet of county government, but is “intended to convey what it is like to live, work and play in Jefferson County.” The site provides a link to the official Jefferson County website. It has been up and growing for seven years.

Sullivan’s alternative news and information page has hundreds more followers than The Leader. D’Amico is in almost constant conflict with local political elites over his business and demands for transparency and public records. The fact that an alternative to the Leader has become the leading source of information in the county–and that they cannot control or influence that outlet–drives the In Crowd nuts. So crazy, that both county and city governments have made attempts to shut down Sullivan’s page, including, as Sullivan has reported, the city demanding surrender of the site in exchange for settling a zoning enforcement action against a property owned not by D’Amico, but a member of his family.

They have lost their minds. They are now conspiring with witches. Port Townsend Deputy Mayor David Faber–whose distaste for D’Amico and campaign against Sullivan’s reporting is spread across his own Facebook page and on comments he intemperately posts elsewhere–has endorsed the diabolical ceremony. He posted on his Facebook page that the witches’ anti-Joe Black Sabbath “seems worthwhile” and shared the link inviting seekers of Power over the First Amendment.

Faber and others are inviting folks to join the Wiccan sacrifice of D’Amico and Sullivan’s freedom of speech by making false reports to Facebook and generally engaging in coordinated harassment. The event was originally organized by an anonymous FB page called “Port Townsend Troll Control.” (That page first appeared around the time this site was calling out Port Townsend Planning Commissioner Paul Rice for, in his words, “f—k–g around” in our comments). Troll Control describes itself as a janitorial service and has attacked various individuals around town the anonymous author(s) didn’t like. “Janitorial service”? Not too subtle. They get rid of trash, which is anyone who disagrees with them.

Promotion of the event has been taken over by another coward posting anonymously as “the 11/11 Project.” This could be same coward behind the Troll Control mask, or it could a new coward, or a group of cowards who cast stones and spells from under hoods and sheets with holes cut for their eyes.

These people may think there is power in the numbers they worship. I don’t know about 11:11 except it adds up to 22 and is about the time in the morning I start thinking seriously of lunch. But here are some numbers with real proven power behind them: 42 U.S.C. Section 1985. That is the federal civil rights statute that gives D’Amico and Sullivan a private right of action to sue in federal court for a conspiracy to deprive them of civil rights, which includes freedom of expression. That statute not only grants damages, but also attorney fees. More powerful numbers for conspiring witches to ponder. Those numbers come with lots of zeroes.

I am intentionally not assisting the Nazi witches by providing a link to their invitation to join in a communal, oh-so-spiritual act of reprisal, suppression, and censorship. I’ve asked them to identify themselves. Shortly afterwards things started falling off the walls in my house and my cat is now speaking Druid.

But here is the link to the excellent, timely and informative Jefferson County Washington Facebook page. (click here)

D’Amico has announced his attorney is preparing a lawsuit over the conspiracy (hey, guys, you put all the evidence of conspiracy right there on the Internet, including getting conspirators to sign up and give their names to you. You can bet D’Amico’s attorney has the screen shots). You may think your identities and those you enlist will remain secret, but a federal subpoena to Facebook will lift the hoods from off your faces. Anyone who participates, who signs up, who helps organize, who helped pay for the Facebook ad to spread the conspiracy, you are conspirators and thus equally and personally liable.

So memorize the following Witches Song from MacBeth and start looking for an attorney. You might try sticking pins in a doll of the judge presiding over your case, but the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure do not provide for exorcism.

Round about the cauldron go:
In the poisoned entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Sweated venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i’ the charmed pot.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and owlet's wing.
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf,
Witch's mummy, maw and gulf
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark,
Root of hemlock digg'd i’ the dark,
Liver of blaspheming Jew;
Gall of goat; and slips of yew
Sliver'd in the moon's eclipse;
Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips;
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver'd by a drab,
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron,
For the ingredients of our cauldron.

Double, double toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.


Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

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We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. laswan5

    That site ‘they’ claim to be fake is where I get real news. It can’t be found anywhere else. Ouch! I felt a pin prick!

    • David

      Nice, I can’t stand fake either…here looking for some real news ty keep at it…


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