by | Jul 15, 2018 | Politics | 0 comments

We asked all the candidates running to represent Jefferson County Commission District 3 several questions which highlight the challenges of the position.  We will be running their responses this week.

Craig Durgan is an engineer and it shows in his mastery of the issues he sees as key to tackling District 3’s poverty and lack of economic opportunity.  You can read his extensive biography by clicking here, courtesy of the Honesty Forum.  He is one of the three Democrats running for the open seat.

We posed the same questions to all candidates and they are published verbatim, except when we have to correct a typo here and there.

Tomorrow:  Jon Cooke, the Republican in the race.

Ballots have been mailed for the August 7, 2018 election.  
We appreciate Mr. Durgan’s thoughtful answers.  Here they are:

1.  What do you see as the most critical need facing District 3 and what specifically will you do to address that need?

We need to bring back family wage jobs, affordable housing and broaden the tax base so the county has proper funding. I propose to first build the sewer in Port Hadlock then to do the same in Quilcene and Brinnon, plus install a water system with fire flow for both of the former. Longer term I want to plan for a Major Industrial Development (MID) as per the Growth Management Act (GMA) so small manufacturing companies can have a place to conduct business in Jefferson County. Commensurate with implementation of a MID I will then move to establish land banks as per the GMA for forest related industries to locate here.

2.  There has been much talk of the need for regulatory reform by all the candidates in order to promote a more prosperous District 3.  Which regulations would you change and how?

We need to make both Quilcene and Brinnon into Urban Growth Areas. That will allow smaller building lot sizes within the UGA that will meet State requirements because they will have water and sewer systems. Additionally, many people have stated that the minimum 5 acre lot size is far too great. Since the minimum lot size per State Septic rules is 12,500 square feet if served by public water in Type 2 soils, I would change the land use regulations to reflect that fact. Nowhere in the GMA does it state that there is a minimum lot size. I would reduce the lot sizes to reflect the reality of State Septic rules. All of these regulations are in the Jefferson County Code and can be changed by the Board of County Commissioners quite easily. It is not a requirement to get permission from the Growth Management Hearings Board or the State.

3.  What should the rest of the county, and Port Townsend in particular, be doing to alleviate the poverty and lack of economic opportunity in District 3?
Port Townsend needs to be much more cooperative in growing districts 2 and 3. It is to the City of Port Townsend’s benefit to have a vibrant economy in Jefferson County regardless of whether it is in the City or in the County. In addition they should work with the PUD and county to free up some of the water from the system that they share with the pulp mill. This could be done by working with the mill in a cooperative way to re-use the water more then twice. There are existing water treatment systems that can be installed to do this. The excess water could then be sold to the PUD for use in other areas. This is quite vital for our economy. Water is an important resource and should not be wasted. New technology can be brought to bear to solve many of our issues.
4.  What would you like to tell voters about why you should be the next District 3 County Commissioner?
I am the only candidate with experience in five key areas.
1. I have managed assets worth in excess of $200,000,000. Jefferson County has many assets worth quite a lot of money.
2. I have managed budgets in excess of $10,000,000. It is important to have experience with large budgets.
3. I have developed land in Jefferson County for the last 20 years. So, I am quite familiar with what it takes a business to start in operation here and the land use regulations.
4. I have run a successful business in Jefferson County for over 20 years.
5. I am an engineer by training and understand infrastructure and why it is so vital to our economy.
All these skills are applicable to being a member of the Board of County Commissioners. I believe that my experience will serve the residents of Jefferson County well.
Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

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