by | Jun 4, 2018 | Politics | 0 comments

Representative Mike Chapman (D) is collecting a pile of organizational endorsements in his re-election bid.  He is also far outpacing his Republican opponent in his fight to retain his seat representing the 24th District.  He can claim endorsements from :

NARAL Pro-Choice Washington
Washington State National Organization for Women
Washington State Sierra Club
Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
The Harry Truman Fund
Aerospace Machinists Industrial District Lodge 751
Olympic Peninsula Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO
AFT Washington, AFL-CIO
Olympic Labor Council, Port Angeles
Pacific NW Regional Council of Carpenters: (LU816, LU96, LU41, LU196, LU129)
Lee Whetham (Port Angeles City Councilor, Executive Secretary Olympic Peninsula Building and Construction Trades Council, member UA Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 32)
UA 32 Plumbers & Pipefitters
UFCW 21, Jefferson / Clallam
UFCW Local 367, Grays Harbor
IBEW Local 46, 76 & 77
The Law Enforcement Officers and Fire Fighters (LEOFF I) Coalition
Washington Interior Systems Local Union No. 4
SEIU Healthcare 775
Sheet Metal Workers Local 66
Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Union
Public School Employee’s Union (PSE)
SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
Washington State Council of County and City Employees AFSCME AFL-CIO
National Federation of Independent Businesses-Washington
Washington Restaurant Association
Washington Lodging Association
Washington Affordable Housing Council
Campaign for Tribal Self-Reliance by Washington Indian Gaming Assoc.
Premera Blue Cross
Washington Natural Gas
Washington State Council of Fire Fighters
Washington State Auto Dealers
Washington Health Care Association
SEIU 1199 NW – OMC Nurses
Washington State Dairy Federation
Washington Healthcare Association
Washington State Troopers
Washington State School Retirees’ Association
Washington State Potato & Onion Association
Washington Federation of State Employees
Washington Forest Protection Association
Washington Food Industry Association
Washington Beer & Wine Distributors
Washington State Bankers Association
Washington Association of Realtors
Washington State Hospital Association
Association of Washington Businesses
Grays Harbor Chapter of Master Builders
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
Quinault Nation
Quileute Tribal Council
Northwest Sportsfishing Industry Association
His latest campaign finance reports shows contributions of $29,880.  Included among the donors are corporations in the marine trades, logging and wood products, technology, energy, food and alcohol, health care and insurance industries and several tribes with gambling operations.
He is outpacing almost three-to-one his Republican challenger in fundraising.
Jodi Wilke, in her first race for any elected office, has been in constant motion since announcing her candidacy.  She held campaign kick-offs in Port Hadlock, Ocean Shores, and Port Angeles and has made several trips to the southern and far western sides of District 24.  She has worked auto shows, drag races, gun shows, festivals and parades, and was seen working a table at Port Townsend’s Rhody Parade cake party. She got an early jump on yard signs.  Placards featuring her signature bright red heart have popped up across the district. She has also been busy on local radio stations.
Wilke will need all her energy and stamina–and more–to try to compensate for Chapman’s huge lead in campaign money and organizational resources.  Her latest Public Disclosure Commission filing reports $11,516 in contributions (including $50 from Jim Scarantino, editor of Port Townsend Free Press, given before this website was launched).
Wilke has not announced any organizational endorsements.


The four-way contest to replace Kathleen Kler as Jefferson County District 3 commissioner shows two candidates with strong fundraising advantages. Only the top two vote-getters will move on to the general election.  The primary election is August 7.  Only District 3 votes in this primary contest.

Ryan McAllister, who is running as a Democrat, thus far reports raising $7,892.  His top five donors account for $5,000, with the largest donation of $2,000 coming from Laurel Burik of Marrowstone Island.  Carla and Matthew Woodward of Port Hadlock each donated another $1,000.  (As previously disclosed, Jim Scarantino of this website made several small donations to McAllister before launching this project).

McAllister reports spending less than half of his funds, and has over $4,500 cash on hand.

Greg Brotherton, also running as a Democrat, reports raising $6,151.  His top five donors account for $2,250.  Two of his top five donors are his parents who reside in District 3 in Quilcene.  The other three reside in Port Townsend, outside the district.  One of those is Michelle Sandoval, a Port Townsend city councilor.

Brotherton has spent almost all his donated funds, and has only $580 remaining.  He has, however, loaned his campaign just over $3,035, which remains available to spend.

Jon Cooke is running as a Republican.  He is chairman of the Jefferson County GOP.  He reports raising $1,045.  He is his own campaign’s largest donor.

The fourth candidate, Craig Durgan, is running as a Democrat.  He reports a $795.18 in-kind contribution from himself, his only reported contribution.

All figures were derived from the latest available PDC filings.  This story was corrected since first publication.

Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

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